É impossível pra um homem, aprender aquilo que ele acha que já sabe
Epiteto (Filósofo Grego, 50-130 a.C)
The job and salary plan-JSP or JSCP (Job, salary, and career plan) is a managing instrument with a strategic remuneration system which aims to have objective and technical criteria, based on aspects linked to working time and merit.
These criteria, organized in a clear and detailed way, will orientate the promotions and provide to the collaborators a clear view of the growth prospects and of the scope of each position, might have within the different salary ranges, providing the possibility of having more fair and balanced policies internally and externally.
The job positions will be classified according to the scores obtained that will be framed in the job and salary table. This table presents a lot of information, among others, which must have concrete and balanced data with respect to:
• Intervals between the levels
• Scoring interval
• Interval between the position ranges.
• Magnitude for the beginning and end of each salary range.
Externally, the salaries receive monitoring from the market, which could lead to a realignment of the offered values, according to the detected need. The offered values in one region can be obtained through a salary research, which must be made with an adequate methodology that view not only the wage values, but the different nomenclatures and duties of the job position according to the researched location.
The promotions or any possible movement of each employer can happen in a horizontal way (within the same job position) or vertically (through a change of the job). Thus, in the case where there is a change in the duties of a certain job, it may be reassessed and reclassified.
With a fair and balanced JSP, it is possible to provide better conditions for a team to view the ways to personal development. Otherwise, it can be an instrument of injustice and discouragement.
Besides, when this kind of work is performed, changes may occur in the “design” of certain jobs, and also wind up being one of the major foundations of Recruitment, Selection and Continued Education of the Staff, since it will gather data and provide a better guidance of this work.
The JSP can be adopted by workplaces of different sizes, but it is very common to hire a company or a qualified professional for the planning, performing and managing the JSP, once it is a highly specialized work, loaded with details that must be in a precise form in order not to become a problem rather than a solution.
Regardless of hiring third parties, the members of the workplace must have a very active participation in the entire process, so that it is accepted and endorsed by the group which is the target of the JSP.
We must remember that, for the purposes specified in the Paragraph 2 of the art. 461 of CLT, it is only valid the framework of personnel organized by careers when it is approved by the Ministry of Labor, so, the JSP will act in an objective and legal way.
Due to its complexity, the enabling of implanting inside medical clinics a balanced, fair and applicable JSP will depend on many factors, which include:
• The size of the collaborators’ team and the amount of job positions that the workplace has (scaling the size of the clinic’s staff X viability of a JSP);
• The structure of the human resources area of the clinic or hiring a third party company.
• Policies adopted in the JSP in harmony with the vision and posture of the clinic’s leaderships.
• Preparation of the clinic to take JSP as a program that should be administrated, updated and adopted on a permanent basis.
So, when we talk about medical clinics, we must carefully assess the real need as well as the real conditions for its management and sustainability inside the clinic, since the multiplicity of factors involving this process contain several aspects which some clinics could hardly meet fully.
In the case of medical clinics that want to adopt the JSP, it must be clear that for the clinic’s staff to have a participatory stance in the program it is very important to have an effective communication process where the team knows about the program since the beginning of its planning and implementation, as well as the performing process. Without the conscious and the participation of the staff, the JSP may become a “burden” to the clinic.
For the elaboration and implementation of a JSP in medical clinics some steps are needed which can be identified, in a short way, as follows:
1. Survey data of the current characteristics of the payout policies inside the clinic;
2. Identification of the amounts being paid for each job position, specifying the following current characteristics of each position and its respective occupier:
a. Nomenclature of the position
b. Working duration
c. Professional curriculum of the actual occupier.
3. Analysis of the existing job positions, their characteristics, importance and distribution of duties, where you can even readapt, change, transfer functions according to the balance needs and productivity of the clinic;
4. Survey and detailed description of the duties of each job position inside the clinic;
5. Hierarchization or classification of the clinic’s job positions;
6. Salary research and comparative evaluation (benchmarking) with respect to the offered values of the clinic;
7. Classification of salaries in levels and ranges, determining the top limit of each job;
8. Establishment of scoring and evaluation criteria which determine the salary changes of staff members;
9. Evaluation of the financial impact with the implementation of the JSP;
10. Determination of policies and methodologies for managing the JSP;
11. Legal regulation of the JSP;
12. Implementation and a constant and permanent monitoring of the plan.
Of course the above steps are very summarized, but they can offer a close overview of the ways to be covered within this work, as well as its complexity.
The JSP, once it is adequate, can become another instrument to humanize conditions to have a stimulating working environment, which is balanced and competitive, and values knowledge, competence and performance of the workforce.